Whether sun damage, stress, environmental factors, or simply the decline of collagen that comes with aging, our facial skin shows our age sooner than we’d like. Fine lines and wrinkles, areas of volume loss, pigmentation problems — they all add up.
In our JECT Medical Aesthetics area of Dr. Frank’s practice, we use the AquaGold facial to improve these facial skin problems. AquaGold combines microneedling with mesotherapy to create thousands of microscopic channels in the skin and then to deliver a personalized cocktail of Botox & HA filler through those channels directly into the dermis.
The result is impressive improvement in your facial skin. Your skin will love our AquaGold facials.
How does AquaGold work?
AquaGold’s secret is a handpiece with a tip made up of 20 gold-plated microneedles. Each of these needles is about the width of a human hair. They are made of steel for strength and then are coated with 24-karat gold for easy penetration into the skin. For every AquaGold treatment at Dr. Frank’s we use a new tip, ensuring the needles are sterile and free from any impurities.
The AquaGold handpiece is moved across the skin surface and the needles move up and down. They reach a depth of 600 microns, which is the ideal depth for insertion of the various ingredients that will fortify the skin. This depth penetrates the epidermis (the skin’s outer layer) and enters the dermis (the skin’s second layer). The needles provide microneedling, while at the same time introducing vitamins, peptides, stem cells, and other beneficial ingredients.
What does an AquaGold facial treat?
Our AquaGold facials improve the skin across the treatment areas. Specifically, they improve facial issues such as:
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Acne scarring
- Decreased skin elasticity
- Areas of uneven skin texture
- Areas of volume loss
- Age spots and pigmentation problems
How many AquaGold treatments will I need?
These can be stand-alone treatments, especially before a big event. But we recommend having an AquaGold facial every three months or so to provide your skin with an ongoing boost in collagen production. This helps keep up with the decline in collagen that comes with the aging process.
Your facial skin wants an AquaGold facial at JECT Aesthetics in Dr. Frank’s! Call us at (403) 245-1228 to schedule your AquaGold session.